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Refined Technology, Mentech Creates


Our Strong R&D capabilities and leading technological advantages ensure that we can continue to provide high-quality, reliable, and low-cost products to the market, winning a good market reputation and high-quality customer resources for the company. At present, Mentech has established good product reputation around the world.


Taking network transformers as an example, Yang Jianmin introduced that Mentech was the first to successfully develop chip network transformers, achieving fully automated mass production of chip network transformers. In addition, it also attaches great importance to intellectual property protection. As of the end of 2022, Mentech and its subsidiaries have 341 valid patents.




At the recently held Intersolar Europe 2023 exhibition, Mentech made a debut with a series of new products, customizing and developing new energy magnetic components, including transformers for micro inverters, inverter inductors, encapsulated inductors, optimizer inductors, high-frequency transformers, etc., which gained great attention in Munich. At the same time, familiarity with international standards has also become an important driving force for Mentech to obtain impressive "transcripts" in the international market.

Therefore, whether in the domestic market or overseas market, Mentech will continue to expand its competitive advantages and enhance its industry influence, committed to providing high-quality and competitive products and comprehensive solutions to global customers, and leading the industry towards continuous transformation and upgrading towards high-end intelligence and green environmental protection.